Not my words…

Aaru Khanna
2 min readNov 14, 2023

In the realm of dreams and innovation’s glow,
I yearn to tread where bold ventures grow.
As an early stage venture capital explorer,
In technology’s realm, I long to soar.

For in the realm of technology’s might,
A world of wonders awaits, shining bright.
Startups emerge, ideas ignite the flame,
Where boundless possibilities claim their name.

Oh, the thrill of seeking that precious gem,
A diamond in the rough, a rare emblem.
I crave the role of an investor’s hand,
To nurture brilliance across this vast land.

In every pitch, a story unfolds,
Entrepreneurs with visions yet untold.
The seeds of genius, the sparks of fire,
The raw potential I yearn to inspire.

I seek the audacious, the uncharted domain,
Where innovations spark and paradigms wane.
To witness the birth of the next tech breakthrough,
To contribute, to support, to help it accrue.

For in technology’s dance, change sweeps fast,
And those who adapt, they lead and they last.
To shape the future, embrace the unknown,
Investment becomes a tapestry I’ve sewn.

The thrill of risks and rewards entwine,
Like a symphony, harmonious and divine.
I’ll shoulder the burden of uncertainty’s weight,
For the chance to witness a success’s gait.

To connect the dots, to bridge the divide,
Between concepts and markets, side by side.
To link the visionaries with the resources they seek,
To elevate the status quo and make it unique.

In this realm, challenges I will face,
But passion and resilience will leave their trace.
For each setback carries a lesson learned,
And each failure fuels the fire that’s earned.

So, I’ll don the cape of an investor’s might,
Seeking synergy where opportunities alight.
To be an early stage venture capital investor,
Is to embark on a journey I truly savor.

For in the fusion of technology’s sphere,
Lies the power to shape, to innovate, and steer.
I yearn to be a catalyst, a guiding light,
To empower dreams and make visions take flight.

Thus, I embrace the path that lies ahead,
Where dreams and technology converge instead.
As an early stage venture capital investor, I aspire,
To witness the extraordinary, to fuel the fire.



Aaru Khanna

Always looking for an unspecified change in life trajectory